Reading for Change: A Community Project

Thursday, October 20, 2022, 6:00 pm until 7:00 pm

Join the us as we continue with the 2nd virtual Reading for Change event: “Sharing Stories.”

This event will feature a panel of local professionals sharing their stories of how they found their callings. We'll hear inspirational stories from professionals in public service, education, advanced manufacturing, and healthcare.

The Reading for Change project invites members of the Greenfield community, in collaboration with Greenfield Community College, to share the experience of community building and intellectual exploration through reading, discussing, and engaging with a common book.

We are reading, Callings: The Purpose and Passion of Work, by Dave Isay. Callings is a fascinating series of interviews collected as part of the StoryCorps project. As the title suggests, the guiding theme of the book is work, emphasizing “stories of passion, courage, and commitment, following individuals as they pursue the work they were born to do.” Because of its focus on storytelling, careers, meaning, purpose, and creating a life that is worth living, Callings has wide-ranging applications for a variety of contexts.

Copies of the book are available at the library. The book is also available as an e-book.

For more information, and to get the Zoom link, go to

This program, generously funded by the Friends of the Greenfield Public Library, is free and open to all.