Thursday, November 9, 2023, 5:00 pm until 7:00 pm
412 Main Street, Greenfield, MA
Welcome to Bookends, a collaboration between Greenfield Public Library and Greenfield Community College. We meet four times a year to read and discuss books that appeal to a wide range of ages from teen to senior citizen. Our goal is to bring readers of different generations and backgrounds together and spark conversations that unite our community.
Our autumn read is There There by Tommy Orange. This award-winning novel follows twelve characters from Native communities: all traveling to the Big Oakland Powwow, all connected to one another in ways they may not yet realize.
Copies of the book are available for check out at Greenfield Public Library and the Nahman-Watson Library at GCC. Large print and audiobooks are also available.
The book discussion will be held on Thursday, November 9 from 5-7 pm at Greenfield Public Library. We’ll start our meeting with a meet and greet featuring local autumn themed appetizers. If you have any questions please contact Francesca Passigilia at or Judy Raper at We look forward to seeing you!
Pre-registration for this program is recommended but not required.
Click the following link to register: