Library Behavior Guidelines

Greenfield Public Library is a resource available to all. The library maintains a safe and healthy atmosphere in which patrons and staff can be free from harassment, intimidation, and threats to their safety and well-being. In order to protect all library users’ right of access to library facilities, to ensure the safety of users and staff, and to protect library resources and facilities from damage, the library governing authority, in this case the Board of Trustees, may impose reasonable restrictions on the time, place, or manner of library access.

Patrons and staff are expected to follow the code of behavior. Failure to adhere to this policy may result in the limitation of library privileges by the library director or designees.

  • Patrons and staff will treat everyone with respect.
  • Food Policy
    • Covered beverages are allowed throughout the building
    • Neat food consumption is allowed in the Periodicals Lounge or on the second floor balcony (except during scheduled events where written permission to do so has been obtained in advance from the library Director).
    • Due to the fragile nature of the materials, no food and/or beverages are allowed in the Local History Room.
    • Donated food may not be left in the library.
  • In line with City policies, the building and grounds are tobacco-, smoke-, alcohol-, and drug-free. The use of alcohol, drugs, cigarettes/loose tobacco, or vape devices is prohibited.
  • Disruptive behavior is not permitted. The library staff determines what conduct constitutes disruptive behavior.
  • Children under the age of 10 must be accompanied and supervised at all times by a parent or caregiver. Librarians, staff and volunteers are not responsible for children who are unattended. See Children’s Room Policy.
  • Canvassing, selling, soliciting or distributing materials is prohibited except when written permission to do so has been obtained in advance from the library director with the exception of election-related signature gathering which is permissible on the grounds as long as it does not interfere with accessing the building.
  • Blocking of entrances, exits, or aisles is not permitted.
  • Only service animals are permitted inside the library. No animals may be left tethered or unattended for extended periods of time.
  • Use of skateboards, rollerblades, roller-skates, or scooters is not allowed in the Library, or on Library premises. Scooters and bicycles, including electric ones, are not allowed in the building and must be left outside; bicycle racks are available for this purpose and locks are encouraged. The City of Greenfield is not responsible for the loss of personal property.
  • Restroom sinks shall not be used for washing clothes or bathing.
  • Bringing in garbage, articles with a foul odor, or articles which, alone or in their aggregate, impede the use of the library by others is not allowed.
    • all bags and other articles are subject to inspection by security and other authorized personnel.
    • the library reserves the right to limit the size and number of items brought into the building
  • Library materials must be checked out before removing them from the building.
  • Destruction or defacement of the library building, property, or library materials is punishable by law.
  • Dangerous weapons are not allowed on library property.
  • Climbing on any exterior part of the building (railings, retaining walls, fences, etc.) is prohibited. The City is not liable for injuries caused as a result of any of those actions.

Unattended Items in the Library

The Greenfield Public Library is not responsible for the security of items brought into any library facility. Items that are not in any person’s visible possession shall be considered unattended and subject to the procedures outlined herein.

Perishable items, such as personal care items, food, tobacco, etc., will be disposed of immediately.

Personal items of value such as phones, wallets, purses, credit cards, licenses, keys etc., that are found inside or outside the library shall be placed in a secure staff office. Items unclaimed shall be searched for information that identifies the owner and an attempt shall be made to contact the owner. Personal items with no information to identify the owner, that remain unclaimed, or in which the owner was contacted but does not respond, shall be disposed of after 48 hours.

Money shall be placed in an envelope and kept in a secure office. Those wishing to claim found money must provide sufficient proof of ownership. Money that is not claimed within 30 days shall be considered library property.

Items such as coats, jackets, and other outerwear shall be placed in the library lost and found. Unclaimed items shall be disposed of after 14 days.

Official documents left in library copy machines and scanners shall be kept at the information services desk for 1 week. An attempt shall be made to contact the owner if identification of the document allows. Unclaimed documents shall be shredded.

Backpacks, packages, and other items that do not fall under the category of valuable personal with no information to identify the owner, that remain unclaimed, or in which the owner was contacted but does not respond, shall be disposed of after 48 hours.

When unattended items are discovered by library staff a notice of removal of personal items will be placed at the location where items were left unattended, stating the following:

Unattended personal items were found at this table by library staff. Please be aware that the City of Greenfield is not responsible for lost or unattended property. Items left unattended will be collected and placed in the library’s lost and found on the main floor. If not claimed within 48 hours, these items will be disposed of.

Unattended food and drinks will be discarded immediately.

Thank you for your understanding.

The following activities constitute unacceptable use:

  • Using library workstations for any illegal or criminal purpose that violates local, state, or federal laws (including, but not limited to, committing fraud; hacking; or engaging in communications which are libelous or slanderous);
  • Viewing pornography;
  • Deliberately displaying obscene images

To allow for uninterrupted public service, Library telephones are for staff use only.

Approved by the Board of Library Trustees 02/11/2025.
To be reviewed yearly, or as needed.

Library Hours

Mon-Wed 9:30am-8pm
Thu-Fri 9:30am-5pm
Sat 9:30am-2pm

For security purposes, the upstairs floor closes 15 minutes before closing time. Main doors are locked 5 minutes before closing.


  • Circulation Desk: 413-772-1544, option 4
  • Children’s Room: 413-772-1544, option 5
  • Information Services: 413-772-1544, option 6


  • Greenfield Public Library
  • 412 Main Street
  • Greenfield, MA 01301


  • 413-772-1544 x 5109

