What is Homebound Delivery?
The Homebound Delivery Program is a service offered by the Greenfield Public Library and the Friends of the Greenfield Public Library. The purpose is to deliver books to Greenfield residents who are unable to travel to the library. The service is intended to serve people who are homebound for any reason, including permanent or temporary disabilities or health problems, being unable to get out because of inclement weather, or being hospitalized or temporarily confined in nursing homes. The books are brought to your home by a Greenfield Public Library volunteer. The volunteers are men and women who have taken part in a brief training program and are willing to meet with you to discuss your unique needs. Access the application on our Homebound Delivery Program page.
Appears in: General FAQ
Library Hours
Mon-Wed 9:30am-8pm
Thu-Fri 9:30am-5pm
Sat 9:30am-2pm
For security purposes, the upstairs floor closes 15 minutes before closing time. Main doors are locked 5 minutes before closing.
- Circulation Desk: 413-772-1544, option 4
- Children’s Room: 413-772-1544, option 5
- Information Services: 413-772-1544, option 6
- Greenfield Public Library
- 412 Main Street
- Greenfield, MA 01301
- 413-772-1544 x 5109
- ann.bognolo@greenfield-ma.gov
- LibraryTrustees@greenfield-ma.gov